7 Latest Trends in Stock Management Software

Stock Management Software

Inventory management is a common target for innovation every time advancements hit retail. Be it in the form of streamlined supply chain processes or enhanced demand forecasting and other inventory-related integrations and automation, these innovations kick off new trends that eventually change the face of retail. This especially holds when new trends prove successful.

So, why are businesses fascinated with inventory control?

Goods are exceptionally valuable. Businesses can’t simply acquire inventory. They need to store, safeguard, and manage it. Yet, these all come with a cost. They can even cost you more if the inventory management is poorly done. It is not surprising then to see supply chain managers scrambling to find cost-saving technological advancements in managing inventory.

As customer expectations rise amidst the increasing globalization of supply chains, stock management software will swoop in to save the day. Thus, you need to watch the latest inventory management software trends carefully if you don’t want to be left out in the competition. You need to keep up with the most recent innovations to reduce operating costs and improve processes.

Below are the seven latest trends in inventory management software:

1. Pick-to-Light Systems

Consumers are opting for quick delivery. This makes a pick-to-light system important. This feature, which was developed a few years ago, utilizes a lighting method to streamline inventory management. As you select items in a bin in your storeroom, you’ll be required to switch off a particular light directing other store operators in the right direction. It will help you locate products in an inventory or warehouse quickly and facilitate easier deliveries to customers.

2. More Personalization

The turn of the 21st century sees more retailers introducing personalization to their inventory initiatives. Aside from mentioning a prospect or existing customer in SMS or an email, more sophisticated personalization methods are emerging. This impacts positively on revenues, with Amazon reporting 35% of its sales using more advanced personalization.

One example of a personalization method includes deploying artificial intelligence to keep track of the shoppers’ returned goods versus those products kept and recommended based on customers’ sizes. Other software suggests product sizes based on the buying behaviours of customers. It also particularly pre-selects sizes that a shopper usually chooses.


3. Season-Based Product Suggestions

Inventory management software that allows inventory adjustment based on real-time and forecasted weather conditions is a growing trend. You will not, for example, see winter-related products such as cardigans during summer or swimsuits during rainy days. Walmart is just one of the few retailers who already started this trend.

Managing your stock inventory in line with seasonal factors will help you avoid experiencing obsolescence, stockouts, or overstocked goods when seasons pass. All of these can cost you a lot of money to store stock and insure them in your warehouse. Moreover, you are more exposed to experiencing natural disasters, damage, or theft when you are overstocked.

4. Advanced Sales Forecasting

The increasing demand for a personalized customer experience means you have to ensure that you always have available stocks. You need to provide your customers with the products when they need them. You don’t want to disappoint them with stockouts. To achieve so, you need a better sales forecasting method. You have to be sure of how many of the particular products must be on the shelf next week or next month.

With this in mind, several retailers are leveraging technology solutions to come up with their forecasts. The best inventory management software can provide you with predictive analysis of your sales and stock movements and offer suggestions on what and how many products you need to order.

5. Streaming Analytics

The use of real-time data or the so-called ‘streaming analytics’ to make decisions is growing along with the increasing prominence of personalization and customer-centricity. We now see more businesses finding various technologies and architectures that integrate real-time analytics on streaming data into their systems. While the concept is nothing new, it is becoming more valuable than ever. This is because it aids you in becoming more data-driven, and it boosts the effectiveness of your personalization models.

Below are a few advantages of real-time streaming analytics:

  • You obtain real-time data on suppliers to gauge their performance.
  • You will know supply price changes so you could adjust inventory accordingly.
  • You can quickly replenish inventory to avoid stockouts.
  • You remain up-to-date with information regarding supplies and expected delivery to you.
  • You can forecast future demand better.

6. Experiential Retail Inventories

With experiential retail growing in usefulness and prominence, stock management software that powers them grows as well. Shopping nowadays no longer means going to the shop and looking at a large inventory. It could now mean trusting experts to choose item selections. From small-sized retailers to big brands such as Apple and Amazon, every business is introducing experiential retail initiatives in various ways. And while it’s undoubtedly a good move, managing inventories in experience-first stores is entirely different from conventional stock control. Successful implementation requires robust eCommerce multichannel software. The best program to keep track of inventory enables you to see a clear overview of what products are available in-store and your supplier. It should also allow you to move the stock from one warehouse or store to another quickly and that everything must be centrally managed from a single system.

7. Omnichannel Retailing Stock Control 

An investigation by Think with Google tracked down that online shops participating in omnichannel retailing are available lead, pulling in 9 of every 10 customers who switch between in any event three applications every day to shop. The information prohibits purchasers who go to customary physical foundations. Thus, you can envision the incomes rolling in from different online channels and your actual shop too. 

In any case, the income advantage from multichannel selling requires a genuine inventory management duty. To take on this test, organizations should search for stock management software with dependable inventory control frameworks for deals from a few channels. An ever-increasing number of organizations are, in any event, benefiting from cutting edge information scientific techniques to use store-level information. Such an apparatus can help stay away from stockouts as it empowers you to control dissemination channels and store supply chains. It accompanies three necessary arrangements: 

Inventory control: It permits you to improve future item request estimate as it cautions you about current stock levels. 

More dissemination habitats: It helps match the degrees of intricacy that stock management and dispersion gets. 

Stable security stock level: As overloading is pretty much as awful as stockouts, a computerized inventory management framework encourages you to set up a sweet spot for your wellbeing stock level. 

Would it be a good idea for you to Invest in Stock Management Software? 

Change is to be sure the solitary thing steady and inescapable. On the off chance that you need to stay in the race, your only alternative is to adjust to the changes. You need to remain open to advancements to keep your business running as proficiently as could be expected. Approaching the correct data, any place you are, and at whatever point you need, it is a test that lone cutting edge innovation can address. This is by and large the motivation behind why inventory management software is filling in unmistakable quality. While this innovation probably won't tackle all inventory-related issues, it directs inventory management's eventual fate. It empowers organizations, everything being equal, to apply artificial consciousness, distributed computing, and mechanization to upgrade precision fundamentally. 

Besides the benefit of having an unmistakable perspective on inventory levels and the capacity to move inventories quicker across the store network, organizations are making more secure working biological systems. With the correct stock maintaining software set up, they diverted their labour force to oversee important exercises and furnish them with massive data to return to whenever to improve dynamic.

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